Who am I? What do I want?

Who am I?

What do I want for the next decade?

Am I walking my destiny path?

Are you asking yourself these questions again, Reader, like I do?

I feel like I'm on the edge of the "next level me," but can't quite put that into words yet.

My evolutionary astrologer once told me,
"You have a chart of an artist - do you know that yet??? The overarching theme is - You'll need to share what you create from a place of vulnerability with an audience, and, in return, you'll receive the heart-warming energies of resonance that your soul seeks for healing."

Um...creative pursuits💭

These days I keep experiencing "full circle moments" where somehow, I realize the seeds I've planted in the past were there for a reason - the dots are finally connecting.

Ten years ago, I contributed to a book together with many other authors about Dreamers:

Back then, I dreamed of inspiring younger adults (ages 25-35) to find the right STAGE for them to shine.

For the past decade, I have been diligently devoting myself to this!!! Feel like I deserve a pat on my back and saying BRAVO to myself 🤗

That "finding the right stage to shine" theme is my life's work for sure - I still feel it in my blood - but maybe HOW I do it more expansively and to WHOM might need some renovation at this phase of my life🔥

And this year, with my team at Women's entrance, we are embarking on a collaborative book project focusing on creative journeys and how we mend the relationship with our inner artists. (More details to be released soon!)

From co-authoring a book > to self-published a book in 2017 > to now leading a collaborative book project featuring stories of creative journeys >>> Can you see the connections?!


Recently I've been working with some 15-year-olds on their career planning; all I tell them is to follow their curiosity when choosing subjects, simply because if they do, their learning process will be more enjoyable!

Who am I to tell them "predictions" of what careers will prosper? I'm not even sure if going to the University right away will work the best for them!

Have you discovered that what used to work very well, no longer works as well NOW?

With AI's mass adoption, we are at that pivot point of societal change. It's not even a new "chapter", but an entirely new "book" for the decades to come.

If you think catching up on the latest AI trends is enough, think again; Absorbing new information alone will not help much if we keep using the old paradigm with existing assumptions because these assumptions will be heavily challenged. For example,

  • Do we need that many large global corporations with a big fat top management team to keep the economies rolling?
  • Why wouldn't a farmer be seen as a "cool kid" instead of someone who works in Mckinsey?
  • Why don't we send those people who are workaholics to an addictive level to therapy, just like how we treat all kinds of "-holics"?

I certainly don't want to grow into the stereotypical complacent, authority-worshipping mature adults whom I wanted to get away from when younger.

Now back to you >>>

As we are wrapping up May, let's reflect:

1. What seeds have you been planting that are returning to draw your attention?

2. How do you communicate with your Higher Self? What activities and processes activate that connection?

Is it nature? Is it through creative pursuits? Is it playing with kids or animals? Is it while doing adrenaline-pumping sports? Is it just simply taking a walk or washing your dishes 🤪?

If you feel like bouncing off ideas, click "Reply" and let's discuss!

Sending lots of love & peace!

​Purpose Coach | Quantum Human Design Specialist @


Head of Content & Learning @Women's entrance

Ponny Lam Coaching Services

Quantum Human Design Specialist | Career Purpose Coach | Writer & Storyteller | Embodiment Guide

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