Happy Year of the Dragon! Energy Updates and More

Hi Reader,

Happy Year of the Dragon to all who celebrate!

May this year bring you more strength, courage, and upward momentum for epic transformation so you can soar through the forest with towering trees 🌲🐉

(In case you are curious, I wrote an article about Dragon symbolism in different cultures and folktales here)

I’m officially BACK TO WORK today, so if you would love to book a single coaching session to talk things through, here’s my availability.

My Mantra/Formula for 2024 is:

Play♾Focus ==> Momentum!

Play - go all in!

Focus - go all in!

PLAY was a nearly absent element in my childhood. I was a mature kid from a young age, always a good student, decent in my behavior, and a color-inside-the-line kind of kid.

Only recently did I realize the POWER OF PLAY and how much I have missed out - in effectiveness in learning, work efficiency, and general satisfaction!

Play + Focus is also a balance between tense and loose, masculine and feminine, directional and flow, process-immersing and result-driven, creating SUSTAINABLE long-term growth momentum.

Will you join me in including PLAY in your daily ritual, too?

Release the wild side in you.

Dance like nobody’s watching.

Sing like nobody’s listening.

Draw like a 2-year-old obsessed with colors and adores whatever she creates - shame and perfectionism were social conditionings that don’t exist in toddlers!

Just messing around, having fun, happy with whatever you create.

Inject the joyful, happy hormones DAILY into your life and see how it will be changed!

Recent Energy Updates:

Solar flares have been intense in February - if you have been feeling restless, disruptive sleep patterns, explosive dreams, firey sensations in your body, angry out for no logical reason, etc., this could be why!

Solar flare storms will cause radio blackouts and vibrant aurora lights; we can FEEL it as energy-sensitive people because it also changes the Earth’s magnetic field! Expect more of it this year as the sun approaches its solar maximum in an 11-year cycle.

I had a dream the other night:

I was 15, and on my report card, the teacher’s remarks were -

Studious. Quiet. Submissive.

SUBMISSIVE?! I felt humiliated on the spot - to me, this adjective is the same as saying I’m dumb.

My rage was so strong that I wanted to tear up the report card in front of my teacher.

Then I woke up while I was about to shatter my report card 😤

...feeling incomplete, I spent my morning rage dancing like gorillas 🦍

There is a rage in me wanting to be expressed. And so I did, and I felt refreshed and energized afterward!

That scene was an actual scene back in school - except I was too modest to execute that thought. The spike of rebellious energy, probably amplified by my adolescent hormones, was highly suppressed for a few more years until I started Uni, where speaking our minds was finally encouraged.

I didn't always have a healthy throat chakra to speak up for myself in a non-violent way when I was younger. It took me over a decade to restore the power of my voice - the younger me couldn't imagine that now I talk for a living through training, teaching, and coaching!

Do you also feel a flame burning inside you, seeking to be busted into a wildfire?

The kind of intense yearning 🔥 to rise, to transform, to reclaim your innate power, and to announce your sovereignty because you can no longer stand living in the confinement of a compromised life due to “life circumstances.”

You are born a leader, a way-shower, a teacher, and a light warrior, and you can feel the intensity rising in you to the throat that if you don’t share your message and energy with the world, you could choke yourself up.

You have been settling for a compromised dream because life has conditioned you that the bigger your dream, the higher the risk of feeling disappointed towards the Universe, and yourself. "Why bother if I'm not getting it anyway?"

But having the courage to show up, just BEing yourself, then you are already living and breathing your purpose in the here and now!

Okay, so HOW do you have more courage to speak up more often?

Logically, STEP #1 is to practice speaking more in front of people.

BUT NO, there is an important step BEFORE it!

Why? Because when the voice is not energized by the power of your heart, your burning desires, your vulnerable authenticity, your beliefs of what is true, your pain, your joy, your passion and intense curiosity, and your drive to make things happen, your message won’t touch people on a heart and soul level.

Have you ever felt like being spoken at, not spoken to? That is when someone, especially those in authority, trying to force a message to an audience. A monologue. An announcement. A press release.

Therefore, the real STEP#1 is: We have to release the gatekeeper of the wild energy in us to get the POWER activated so we can tap into the batteries we already have to speak up, get our voice heard, and have immunity to what others think of us.

And by then, our voices are electrified, and we’d feel ALIVE when we channel the message from our hearts or from above.

Are you ready for such an intense yet beautiful transformation in yourself in 2024?

Are you fed up with spinning in loops without getting anywhere?

It’s complicated to do it on your own because we are wired as habitual beings, and muscles (in the body or the brain) have memories! Having external support when redesigning your way of operating is truly a GIFT to yourself.

If the above message resonates with you, I invite you to check out this Quantum Leap Accelerator - a 1:1 12-week container where we’ll collapse time and amplify your creative power with energy activations, emotional transmutation and more!

I’m calling in 2 beautiful souls ready to co-create with me this Spring quarter so you are primed for exhilarating adventures and to create epic influence in the world by summer!

Wishing you all a beautiful beginning of the Year of Dragon!

Have a great week!



P.S. Expect more emails from me in 2024 (like every 2 weeks) as I’ve been downloading A LOT of jaw-dropping😶 messages since Dec and I have a lot to share with you - right now taking the time to find the best words to express them most truthfully.

Ponny Lam Coaching Services

Quantum Human Design Specialist | Career Purpose Coach | Writer & Storyteller | Embodiment Guide

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