Heal Your Relationship with Money!
(With Just $4.72 USD Per Day)
Do you know why your manifestation doesn’t give you consistent results?
Because if there are any traffic jams in ANY of these layers, the lifeforce energy within us & between us and the Universe cannot flow and circulate freely:
- Mind (Mindset/Subconscious/ Self-Understanding)
- Heart (Emotions)
- Physical Mechanical Body
- Energetic & Electrical Body
- Environment (Clutters & Vibes around you)
That’s why it's so necessary to keep our vessels clean, so we have the space to receive blessings and abundance!
Why 21 Days? It's the best duration to form new habits - the same applies to our cells and energetic bodies!
This service includes:
- Daily Money Reiki Energy Healing x 21 Days (Performed remotely by me, a Certified Money Reiki Healer)
- Financial Blessings to 1 WISH of your choice that you want to manifest in the next 3 months
- Supplementary notes and support that could further enhance your results based on my assessment of your energies